SINANDJA Alain Dakonyeme

Artistic director

SINANDJA Dakonyéme is better known under Alain SINANDJA, Togo contemporary artist and dancer, residing in Japan.He's diploma in African traditional and contemporary dance and graduated in 2018 Japan. Artistic director and founder of Arts For All dance company. In order to improve his Arts, he followed a number of professional dance courses in Africa and abroad , such as Germaine Acogny;Nora CHIPAUMIRE; Patrick Acogny ; Alesandra Seutin ; Patrik Widrig to name only those.In his practice, he's curious to know how the body creates and transfers information and secrets into a movement that builds up the body’s own vocabulary.Also putting his interests in origin of traditional dances African like Asian.Recently researching on Japanese community traditional dance BON-ODORI;to find the different but also the similarity to African community dance like #KAMU#.He made contemporary dance creation in Japan named * Who is Behind *PART 1- 2- 3 including 18 persons from the community he lives in Japan and opera singers included . Alain Sinandja is also the producer of a dance festival happening each two years named < Happy African Festival>(HAF) . Joined Yokohama dance competition 2019 with Yu Shimomura where they won 1 prize and also performed in Hongkong. Same year , joined Yamazaki Kota project Darkness Part 3 in New York .Oka Toshiko in “Green Table “and “Silence off innocence”.Recently He was committed to make new contemporary dance creation off 1 hour by XEBEC HALL KOBE.Loving teaching African traditional and contemporary dance he since 3 years now teaching at Dance box Kobe to professional dancers. アラン・シナンジャ 本名シナンジャ・ダコネム。日本在住のトーゴ出身のダンサー/ 振付家。GERMAINE ACOGNYが設立したセネガルのダンス学校「ECOLE DES SABLES」で、伝統的なアフリカンダンスとコンテンポラリーダンスを学ぶ。2015年自身のダンスカンパニー「ARTS FOR ALL」設立、2018年より日本でダンス・フェスティバル「Happy African Contemporary Dance Festival (HACDF)」を開催する。日本に住みながら、NPO法人Dance box や日本のアーティストや音楽家、振付家・山崎広太氏などとコラボレーションしながら、自身の創作活動に取り組む。また、ダンス講師として、神戸、大阪、東京などでワークショップを開催。現在、神戸市主催「STAY HOMEプロジェクト」で作品のオンライン配信の企画にも参加。

Yoshihiro Kawasaki

Photographer& Filmmaker

Yoshihiro Kawasaki Photographer/Filmmaker I was born in Yokohama. And now I’m working as photographer, Filmmaker and speaker based in Kobe, Japan. My major at university was international politics and geopolitics. In my undergraduate days, I traveled many countries. Throughout traveling, I was completely attracted to see the lifestyle of people in each country. Gradually, I started to take pictures of people’s profile or their emotion itself. Then 2014-2016, I was in Uganda as JICA volunteer. This experience gave me big hints how to record the way of life of people. My project in Uganda was to improve income for local farmers. In 2 years, I faced many touched moments which taught me the meaning of life and dignity. It was great opportunity to rethink my life and lead me the path to original way. And now I’m chasing people’s inner conflicts through my own project “Passion on the Border” Instagram:hiro_kawasaki0610 Youtube:Passion Walker ============== 川崎芳勲 Yoshihiro Kawasaki ■写真家/映像作家 ■1990年生まれ。 ■兵庫県神戸市在住。 《略歴》 2013 関西学院大法学部政治学科卒。 2014 青年海外協力隊としてウガンダへ。 2017 帰国後、民間企業に就職。 2018 写真家として独立。 《今までとこれから》 20歳で初めて海外(フィリピン)へ赴き、以来カメラ片手に旅して歩く。2013年、初めて買った一眼レフを手にバングラデシュを訪問し、「人を撮る」ことに夢中になる。そして、ウガンダ滞在中の2年間で写真を撮る素晴らしさ、人の物語に触れる楽しさを再確認し、民間企業勤務を経て、独立する決意を決める。これまでに訪問した国は56か国。現在は関西を拠点に写真撮影や映像制作を行い、「撮る・書く・話す」の仕事を精力的に行う。頻繁に海外での取材旅も行い、世界各国で出会った情熱、人間の美しさに焦点を当てた撮影をし、国内でフォトエッセイ展を定期的に開催する。ここ最近のテーマは『Passion on the Border(境界線上の情熱)』。様々な境界線の上に生きる人間の情熱や葛藤を語り手として追っている。